DHFF 2019: The Terrifying Multiplicity of “The World Over”

Every day through October, the Department of Tangents brings you the Daily Horror Film Fest – one short horror film for every day of the month. It might be terrifying, it might be funny. It could be an homage classic monsters or something entirely new. Check back every morning for a new scare as we celebrate horror shorts!

Since it’s the weekend, you should have time for some longer short films, so here’s something a little more involved.

What would you do if you found a strange door in your house, poked your head through, and saw yourself doing laundry on the other side? Would you back out and never look again? Would you step through and explore? Choose wisely. Those at the questions the young expectant couple have to answer in “The World Over,” a horror-sci-fi film written and directed by Heath C. Michaels and starring Tess Granfield and Brett Keating as the young couple(s). Things just get more complicated from there.

It’s a smartly written, well-acted short with a classic “Twilight Zone” feel. It’s racked up a bunch of well-deserved awards at film festivals around the world. Winner of the 2018 Best International Short Film at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival, Best Featurette Thriller at the Idylwild International Festival of Cinema, and Best Sci-Fi Short 2019 at the HexPloitation Film Festival.

If you’re curious, the little plaque the camera pans over around 7:20 that you don’t quite have time to make out reads, “3 things you can’t recover in life: The word after it’s said, the moment after it’s missed, and the time after it’s gone.” As it turns out, it’s an incomplete list.

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