Joe DeRosa is the perfect subject for the Department of Tangents Podcast. He’s a talented comedian, as evidenced by his new album and special, You Let Me Down, and he’s got a couple of podcasts himself, so he knows better than I do how to approach them. He does Emotional Hangs, which grew out of his old Down With Joe DeRosa podcast, with fellow comedian Kurt Braunohler. And he is co-host along with Patrick Walsh, of the horror-themed We’ll See You In Hell, which used to be on the Fangoria network, but since the troubles at that venerable publication and the questions about its future, has moved to Headgum. He’s a big horror fan with very specific and solid opinions, and he also writes short horror stories.
I sat down with DeRosa in the green room at Laugh Boston, and we spoke until he literally had to get up and go onstage. You can hear the first two comics onstage in the background here. DeRosa had a great set, with very little material still left over from the current special. We got to talk about comedy audiences, what DeRosa likes and doesn’t like in a horror film, and even a little about another one of his loves, hip-hop music.
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