Artist Spotlight: Kelly MacFarland – You Woke Up Today! Also, I’m Fine.

The Artist Spotlight posts are meant to help out musicians and comedians who depend on gigs for income. Today’s spotlight is one of my favorite Boston comics, Kelly MacFarland!

Kelly has a routine that could be an anthem for our shelter-in-place nation right now. It is the title track for her “You Woke Up Today” album, which you can but using the links below. A lot of us need that little bit of extra encouragement to get out of bed when the world is terrifying and a lot of people can’t got to work. So let this be your rallying cry. You woke up today! That may be enough for now.

Here’s a link where you can kind different ways to purchase Kelly MacFarland’s merch:

BONUS! You can also check in with Kelly MacFarland and Dan Crohn to help lighten the mood during your quarantine with this new show, I’m Fine! Here’s the pilot episode:

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