DHFF 2019: “7 Rules” To Be Broken

Every day through October, the Department of Tangents brings you the Daily Horror Film Fest – one short horror film for every day of the month. It might be terrifying, it might be funny. It could be an homage classic monsters or something entirely new. Check back every morning for a new scare as we celebrate horror shorts!

Today’s short, written and directed by Mike Castro, is “7 Rules.” So you know from the start at least one thing that’s going to happen. Someone is going to break a rule. Or two. And since this short is appearing in the Daily Horror Film Fest, you know that’s not going to go well for them.

“7 Rules” updates the gothic trope of someone coming to a foreboding mansion under mysterious circumstances and getting into trouble. Only instead of a mansion, it’s a pretty nice apartment. And the mysterious circumstances include a woman housesitting after answering a blind ad. When she gets to the apartment, no one is there, and there is a set of rules to follow to earn a $200 payment. Don’t lay down on the couch. No visitors. And don’t go into the room at the end of the hall. Simple, right?

I loved the sense of humor in this one. Sarah Heveron-Smith plays easily-tempted house-sitter Michaela. Her character lives mostly in her reactions to the letter and the strange happenings in the apartment, and she gives a fine and playful performance. Samantha Livingston is perfect as the voice of Ms. Maneo, clipped and professional. I also really want to know what the cat looks like, but you have to save something for the sequel.

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