DHFF 2019: Who Should Really Be “The Scared One?”

Every day through October, the Department of Tangents brings you the Daily Horror Film Fest – one short horror film for every day of the month. It might be terrifying, it might be funny. It could be an homage classic monsters or something entirely new. Check back every morning for a new scare as we celebrate horror shorts!

It’s Saturday and I’m feeling artsy, so you get a black and white film with subtitles for today’s entry. Specifically, “L’Epouvante,” or “The Scared One,” from directors Romain and Thibault Lafargue. Find them on Vimeo here.

“Don’t be afraid,” says dad. “He’s here to protect us.” Those are never consoling words at the beginning of a horror film. And that holds true again here. First, dad is kind of a jerk. And second, he’s addressing his son regarding the scarecrow he build outside his window, with no crop in sight. Maybe dad really likes that tire, and the birds eat car parts where they live.

Dad does manage to make something terrifying, just not to crows. And maybe it was there to protect the kid after all.

But here’s the main question I have about this short – who is really the scariest creature here? The son sleeps with a clown on a swing watching over his bed, has a “guignol” puppet theater in his bedroom, and apparently tacks his puppet victims on his wall as an example to the others. If there really is something threatening the house, let it come look in Junior’s window. I bet you it decides the next house over is the easier mark.

L'Epouvanté (The Scared One) from Romain et Thibault Lafargue on Vimeo.

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