Daily Horror Film Fest: Mother Died

Welcome to the DoT Daily Horror Film Fest! Throughout the month, I’ll be featuring new horror every weekday. Sometimes that will be indie films, sometimes it’ll be big-name stuff, shorts, or even TV shows. Scary, funny, schlocky, quiet, eerie – something for the well-rounded horror fan. Plus interviews with filmmakers and a chance to support projects still in the works. Today’s feature is Mother Died, from director/writer Neill Gorton.

Mother Died is presented by Bloody Cuts, a U.K. Web site that presents an ongoing anthology of short horror films. This one impressed me for its quiet, calm storytelling style, and a reveal I didn’t guess until the very last second. There is a wonderful sense of the horrific underlying the voiceover, and Sarah Winter deserves a lot of credit for both that and her wordless performance, on which the whole enterprises hinges.

There are more films in the works on Bloody Cuts, and a lot to explore already on the site. A good site to bookmark for any horror fan.

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